1761 Scythe

1761) RARE MASSIVE GERMAN WAR SCYTHE CIRCA 1550 WITH ORIGINAL HAFT: Museum quality. This is the best war scythe I have seen in the collectors market in 40 years!

Introduction: This superb example of a war scythe is of German construction. The war scythe was originally associated as a peasant weapon used during uprisings. However, it was so effective in combat and easy to use  that later it was manufactured solely for military use.  With its superior construction, this war scythe was made by an armorer,  not a farmer’s blacksmith. War scythes of this quality have survived and can still be found in armories throughout Europe, most notably at the castle of Kyburg in Switzerland and the Landesmuseum in Zurich.

Discussion: It has been suggested by some Victorians that the glaive was an evolution of the scythe during the period of 1200-1400. If you look closely, the scythe and the glaive have substantial differences that cannot be attributed solely to a weapons evolution. The scythe has been used unchanged for almost 700 years. It’s a timeless design that very early reached its evolutionary peak. If the glaive was its evolutionary replacement, the war scythe would have faded away and been replaced by its next generation, the glaive. This did not happen.

The staff weapon was an essential weapon of the Middle Ages for multiple reasons:

1) When properly used and deployed, staff weapons have a significant advantage related directly to their length. The pole/haft of a staff weapon can range from 5 feet in length to as much as 16 feet in length. The staff weapon enables the user to be out of the reach of many shorter weapons, such as swords. This reach advantage allows the man-at-arms to effectively attack without needing to defend himself from attacks.

2) Staff weapons, like pikes, could stop the cavalry charge, which was one of the most devastating strategies of the Medieval and Renaissance periods.

3) Since much of the staff weapon was made from wood, it was inexpensive and easy to manufacture, making it a practical choice to arm many men quickly at a low cost. In addition, if the pole broke, the head could be reused on a new wooden pole. Because the head design was relatively simple, it could be made by a village blacksmith.

4) Staff weapons are easy to use, requiring relatively little training to become competent in their use.

5) Staff weapons could be multipurpose weapons. For example, a halberd is an axe with a spear and fluke to dismount a knight from his horse.

6) Staff weapons require the use of multiple large muscles; therefore, the body fatigues more slowly than with some other weapons. Less fatigue in battle provides a substantial advantage during a pitched battle that could last days.

7) Since staff weapons are long and provide leverage, they generate high-impact, deep penetrating strikes.

8) Some staff weapons , such as the scythe, were actually farming implements available for immediate use by an owner familiar with their use.

Description: Massive razor sharp blade with reinforced tip and recurved cutting edge. The spine is very thick, almost 1 cm at its thickest. The reverse conical steel shaft with a copper brazen repair, two rondels, and two horizontal spikes to prevent the enemy from grabbing and controlling the scythe by its shaft in a defensive measure, early tassel head. Triple langets on a circular haft extend about half the length of the haft and terminate in a rondel. The bottom has a unique gripping feature with a metal boot. Approximate length: 102 inches.

Condition: Superb.

Provenance: From a German nobleman’s armory castle collection.

Conclusion: I would describe this war scythe as a “killing machine”. If you seek the rare, or only collect staff weapons that give you chills at thinking of being stabbed by it-this is the staff weapon for you!  This is the best war scythe I have seen in the collectors market in 40 years! To be brutally candid, it’s better than most I have seen in European museums. Staff weapons like this do not appear in the collectors market very often. It would display magnificently in any museum or top world-class collection. I will probably never have another as good again. Very reasonably priced at under $5K for a quick sale……..ACT-NOW!!!*

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