About Me

Ian Eaves, M.V.O., F.S.A., former Keeper of Armor at the Tower of London, and Andrew Garcia on the hunt for Arms and Armor in London, June 2007.
Thank you for taking the time to view my site.
I have been a fanatical collector of European Medieval and Renaissance Arms and Armor for 37 years. If you are a beginner or advanced master collector with 50-plus years of experience, you have come to the right place.
I’ve been told my prices are usually the lowest worldwide.
I often travel to small villages and out-of-the-way cities in Europe in search of pieces that most collectors can only dream of. Many of these sellers are old and do not know how to access the Internet or even stay up to date on current prices. Since I can’t keep them all, I have amassed a lengthy list of over 2,500 museums, dealers, and collectors worldwide that buy from me at very low prices.
Many of these buyers also rely on me to sell their “trade-ins. ” Sometimes they need money quickly to acquire a new piece for their collection, and they sell at ridiculously low prices. I do not list items on my site that are overpriced.
You are buying with 100% complete confidence.
All my items come with a 10-day review period and a Certificate of Authenticity. If you are dissatisfied with your item, please put it back in the box, and I’ll send Fed Ex to pick it up.
We receive new items daily from all around the world. Many are sold before we can list them on our site. Please let me know what you are looking for—but above all. Please sign up for my weekly emails of new items before they appear on my site.
Here are a few essential things you should keep in mind:
– Arms and Armor is the most undervalued art in the world. You do not need to be rich to have a good collection. Knowledge, in many cases, is more important than money.
– Up to 90% of the pieces advertised on the Internet and even in the major European auction houses are fakes, reproductions, mids-cataloged, or composite (put together from different non-original pieces or parts)! Many of these “non-period pieces” were made over 100 years ago during the Victorian/Historimus era (turn of the century Arms and Armour revival). They have age and old-school workmanship, and I’ll tell you right now, most collectors cannot tell them apart from authentic originals!
– Most good pieces never make it to the auction houses! The top collectors sell, trade, and buy among themselves. The pieces they can’t sell to other knowledgeable collectors are “unloaded” at the auction houses.
– Most auction houses will charge you, the buyer, a 20% to 29% buyer’s premium plus vat taxes and a ridiculous amount for shipping and handling. The seller must pay anywhere from 10% to 20% of the seller’s premium. Auction houses routinely make 30% to 45% of the value of an item, and guess who is really paying that ridiculous amount? If you buy from an auction house, generally, you have to hold an item for 4 to 8 years before you can sell the item for the amount you paid!
– To be a successful collector, you must learn patience.
– You are better off buying one good piece than three average pieces. The good ones always go up in value first.
– I am always adding and upgrading my website. I never know what is going to be offered to me. So please come back and look often.
– After a while, I’ll understand what you like and allow you to consider a piece before offering it on my website.
– Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Welcome to the brotherhood.
Only the best,
Andrew F. Garcia