1628 Dagger

1628) SUPER RARE ALL STEEL LANDSKNECHT DAGGER, CIRCA 1550 with MAKER’S MARK:   This is the only one I have had on offer in 35 years.

Introduction: This typology dagger is exceptionally rare in the collector’s market and highly sought after. Even a ground-find is difficult to acquire.
Description: The dagger is constructed with a reverse cone-shaped ribbed blackened grip and a flat pommel fitted over the grip. The guard is trefoil.  A short ricasso covered by the guard with a cross fourchee makers mark. The blade is sharp on both sides with a strong medial ridge.
Discussion: “During the 16th century, the most feared soldiers on Europe’s battlefields were the landsknechts. These German mercenaries had such a reputation for unprincipled, ruthless violence one chronicler remarked that the devil refused to let landsknechts into hell because he was so afraid of them. The landsknechts were the brainchild of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I [r.1493-1519], who’d seen the effectiveness of Swiss pikemen in their wars of independence against the Duchy of Burgundy and his own Holy Roman Empire.” Richard Anderton, 2018
 The Medieval dagger came to fruition in Europe circa 1250. Forms of daggers varied by nationality, fashion, and intended use. The uses of daggers were varied, and they were used by everyone, including farmers and knights. Farmers used them to perform their daily work. The knight had a dagger strapped to his belt with a retaining chain (see page 63 in my book). Civilians used daggers/knives for self-defense and eating. Laborers used them in their daily profession. The dagger was now a big part of society and daily life, unlike in past periods. During this period, knife fighting focused on penetrating mail and other soft armor, such as non-hardened leather or quilted (padded) fabric. Therefore, the primary strike was with a downward grip on the dagger. In modern knife fighting, the opposite is true; now, the upward grip with the blade facing up is most often used. Since people no longer wear armor, an upward knife thrust or slash will easily penetrate contemporary clothing.
Conclusion: This exceptional and highly sought-after dagger is priced to sell today for a fraction of its true value. As it happens, I have a nearly identical one in my collection. This is the only one I have had on offer in 35 years. ACT -NOW! I will probably never have another one again !!!*
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