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THE COLLECTOR'S COURSE ON MEDIEVAL ARMS AND ARMOR A Massive 432 Page 5.4lb How To Step-By-Step Program for the Beginner to Advanced Master Collector First Time Revealed... Hundreds of years of deeply hidden secrets... discoveries... and little known knowledge that in the past were only known to a few privileged museum curators with over 50 years of experience. Everything you ever wanted to know about Medieval and Renaissance Arms and Armor clearly taught in step-by-step detail..
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1777) GOTHIC ARCHERS AUSTRIAN PAVISE CIRCA 1450: Almost certainly from one of a large number of pavises sold off many years ago from the Vienna Zeughhaus. Some of the Viennese examples were decorated with the IHS monogram in the "Sun in Splendor," the top of the...
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1776) AN ELEGANT GERMAN COMPOSITE CAP-A-PIE ARMOR PRIMARILY CIRCA 1540: This is a very well-matched armor with a very high percentage of period pieces.
Discussion: During the first 35 years of the 1500s, fluted armor evolved (what the Victorians named Maximilian armor). The Maximilian fashion was originally an early 1505 Innsbruck reproduction of the....
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Introduction: The earlier representation of this sword appears in a...
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1774) SWISS SEMPACH HALBERD BY ABRAHAM PERRELET CIRCA 1650: Bernese halberd version ( “Sempacher Halbarte,”)  made in Le Locle NE, a municipality in the Canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland, situated in the Jura Mountains.  Rare and exceptionally...
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Introduction: This exceptional military broad-blade rapier is from the Trabantenleibgarde. The Trabantenleibgarde  was a light cavalry that served as the personal guards of the Prince Electors of Saxony, one of the wealthiest groups of...
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Introduction: The windlass crossbow was used from the 15th to the 17th century. The crossbowman would attach the windlass to the butt of the crossbow and very quickly and effortlessly rearm the crossbow.  The crossbows‚ silent discharge, made the crossbow better for hunting than a firearm , and even with...
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1769) A MASSIVE  EXCEPTIONALLY ELEGANT AND HIGHLY CHISELED LEFT HAND DAGGER  1600sMuseum quality. For the Arms and Armor collector who only wants the absolute best.
Discussion: The left-hand dagger lost its appeal circa 1675, with the exception of Spain, the Spanish Netherlands, and sections of Italy under....
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1768) EMBOSSED, CHISELED, PIERCED AND DATED 1626 RAPIER: Superb museum condition and very inexpensively priced to sell today! Introduction:  In a day and age lacking appropriate policing, the private citizen was forced to protect himself from society‚ criminal dregs. From the middle of the 16th to the end of the...
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1766) EXCEPTIONALY RARE NORMAN TYPE 41 SWORD WITH ORIGINAL GRIP CIRCA 1560: This is the only example of a Norman type 41 that I have had in 35 years!

Introduction: This rare typology of military sword was used from 1475 to 1620. Based on the blade, I have dated it circa 1560. After the third quarter of the....

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1765) OFFICER'S GRADE SHIELD CIRCA 1550 WITH ORIGINAL SPIKE: Almost certainly German. Of superb strong construction with four lion-head enarme rivets. A rare opportunity to own one of the most elegant shields I have had in 35 years.
Description: A polished white steel defensive shield of...
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1761) RARE MASSIVE GERMAN WAR SCYTHE CIRCA 1550 WITH ORIGINAL HAFT: Museum quality. This is the best war scythe I have seen in the collectors market in 40 years!
Introduction: This superb example of a war scythe is of German construction. The war scythe was originally associated as a peasant weapon used during uprisings. However, it was so...
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1760) AN ELEGANT AND RARE SPANISH CAVALRY  BREASTPLATE, CIRCA 1500:  Formerly in the armory of the Dukes of Osuna  and Infantado  (inv. no. 241).
Introduction:  There are some auctions of historic importance, and you should be aware of them. One such auction was that of the armory of the Duke of Osuna and...
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1759) AN IMPORTANT AND RARE ITALIAN CHISELED AND GILDED BASTARD SWORD CIRCA 1550: It is in superb museum quality and condition, and now it can be in your personal collection.
Introduction: An exceptionally elegant and rare example of a Renaissance bastard sword that a very wealthy person or Nobel must have owned. It has survived in exceptional condition because the wealthy had others do the fighting for them. So why even wear a sword like this if you...
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Introduction: It was one of the most devastating late Gothic/early Renaissance staff weapons and the quintessential Italian weapon of...
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Discussion: Some executioner's masks were symbols of authority, so the masses of people who could not read would know the person possessing it...
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1756) RARE  TWO-HAND  GERMAN PAPPENHEIM WAR SWORD CIRCA 1620: Museum quality, VIP item.  This is a very large, impressive, and rare two-hand Pappenhim sword ( Norman type 67) in exceptional condition. From its proportions, it must have been used on horseback. Introduction: This is a military sword designed to win...
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Introduction:  An ear dagger is an exceptionally rare and exotic form of dagger created in the late 1300s. The golden era for ear daggers was 1450–1550. Its most prominent feature is a...
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1754) GREAT HELM POST-1400's POSSIBLY MADE FOR A CHURCH  TOMB: Nothing exemplifies chivalry and knighthood like a great helm!
Introduction: The Great Helm is the...
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1753) ELEGANT MASSIVE GERMAN MILITARY RAPIER CIRCA 1615-25: The Norman hilt 63 was used for a short period of time from 1615-1635. Judging from the length of the blade, pommel, and hilt typology, I would date this rapier 1615-1625.
Introduction: High fashion was an...
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1752) A RARE MUSEUM QUALITY GILDED CRUSADERS  SWORD, CIRCA 1250: Pictures do not do this sword justice. You must see it in person to appreciate what an exceptional sword it is.
Introduction: Nothing says Medieval Knight more than a cruciform-shaped hilt on a sword from the time of the Crusades. The fact that this sword has retained most of the hilt's original gilding and is in...
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1751) GERMAN/AUSTRIAN HORSEMANS WAR HAMMER CIRCA 1580:  A beautiful example of a classic war hammer in superb condition. Introduction: This typology of horseman’s hammer was the most popular from 1550 to 1600 in Western Europe. Like the mace,it's constructed of all steel. However, it is not as...
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1750) LARGE AND IMPRESSIVE GERMAN TOWN GUARD BLACK AND WHITE EMBOSSED TALL COMB MORION CIRCA 1600: Introduction: German, probably Nuremberg. Used by a private or civic guard. The iconic morion is a staple of every arms and armor collector. This superb example is priced under ...
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Introduction: I have old numerous Austrian Cavalry/riding swords similar to this one through the years. This one, by far, is the absolute best. The construction is superb; I would describe this...
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1744) OFFICERS GRADE  GILDED PAPPENHEIM RAPIER, CIRCA 1620-30:  POSSIBLY FLEMISH: Norman type 67. Introduction: This sword typology is thought to be attributed to the calvary of Gottfried Heinrich Graf Pappenheim, the Imperial General of the Thirty Year War. A near-identical example appears in an...
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1743) MINT MUSEUM CONDITION SWISS HALBERD WITH ORIGINAL HAFT CIRCA 1520: With  makers mark and the original production  line  mark on the wooden haft. They are as hard to find as the proverbial hens teeth!
Introduction: Staff weapons with original shafts are an extreme rarity and highly sought after by collectors and...
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1739) MASSIVE GILDED ELEGANT CENTRAL EUROPEAN WAR MACE CIRCA 1600:  Introduction: Cavalry war maces had to be long since the user was high up on a horse and in many cases, reaching down to hit his infantry opponent. In other situations, it was cavalry against cavalry.  This mace has the heaviest head I have ever held and...
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1736) Show Special: MUSEUM QUALITY GILDED AND CARVED SAXON RAPIER CIRCA 1580:  Undoubtedly for a high-ranking officer or a person of high wealth.
Discussion: The word opulence is defined as great wealth or luxuriousness. For opulence in the late Renaissance, look no further than the Armory of the Electors of Saxony in Dresden, Germany. With great wealth since the 12th century from mining...
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1731) CASTILLON TYPE XV SWORD EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER 1420-1450: For less than half of what they sell for at European auction houses!!!
Introduction: Ask any collector, and they will tell you that the holy grail of medieval swords is from the Castillon group, which was discovered in a French river on a barge in...
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1727) MINT MUSEUM QUALITY POLISH/HUNGARIAN ESTOC SWORD CIRCA 1650: Calvary officers grade. Exceptional mint museum-grade stiff diamond-section blade tapering to a point Why only a one-hand grip with a small pommel? By 1650, steel plate armor was on the decline, almost to the point of extinction. Penetration was easier. A long-bladed estoc such as this was ideal for cavalry. Imagine a horse galloping at you at 30 miles an hour and a needle-sharp blade aimed for your [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1725) RARE NUREMBERG ALL STEEL MASSIVE ETCHED WHEELOCK PISTOL CIRCA 1580: With a Maker’s Guild Mark of Christ on the Cross with an R and P on opposite sides of the cross and a triple barrel makers mark on the top of the octagonal breach. 12.5 mm caliber Discussion: The Wheelock is a fascinating mechanism that changed European warfare in the 16th and early 17th centuries. The vast majority of Wheelock guns made during this era were...
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1724) FLEMISH OFFICERS ZISCHAGGE CIRCA 1600: This is a very elegant officer‚ Zisch . A wealthy or high-ranking individual wore it. Probably one of the best I have had in 35 years!
Discussion: The Zisch has an interesting story. The Europeans copied it from the Turks, who called it a chichak or shishaks. For the complete story, see Armor in the Oriental Fashion, pages 267-#15 in my book. By circa 1600, the heavy lance began to go out of vogue, except for [Read More]
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1723) HIGHLY DECORATED RARE ITALIAN GILDED RAPIER CIRCA 1600:  It is a great addition to any collection or museum that only wants the absolute best. Introduction: A.V.B. Norman describes this as a rare sword. There are no known illustrated examples (paintings, statues, effigies)  that have been discovered yet to...
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1719) DECORATED  ITALIAN SHIELD CIRCA 1580 WITH ST GEORGE SLAYING THE DRAGON: A decorated shield is a double winner for any collector. It is a piece of Medieval European warfare and a beautiful Medieval painting—two for the price of one!

Introduction: In Renaissance Europe, painting and depictions were done in...

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1716) BLACK, GILDED AND DECORATED ITALIAN RAPIER CIRCA 1580 WITH MAKERS MARK: Priced for a very quick sale at under $4K!
Description: Under the Norman classification, this is a hilt 57. Constructed with a fuller about a third the length of a strong diamond-section blade that tapers to a very sharp point, a rectangular outlined...
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1715) RARE GERMAN GROSSES KRIEGSMESSER CIRCA 1500:  For such a rarity, very reasonably priced.
Discussion: In German, grosses kriegsmesser translates to “large/great war knife.” This uniquely distinguishable type of sword was popular in Hungary and had a strong following in Germany, where, in the 15th and 16th centuries, it was adopted for warfare. They are somewhat rare, and....
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1714) AN EXCEPTIONAL & RARE  LATE VIKING PERIOD NASAL: A type Nikolskoie,( 1150‚ 1250 AD) under the Kirpichnikov typology. An iconic helmet highly sought out by collectors. 100% original as the day it was made over 1,000 years ago. This one is the real deal. DISCUSSION: The Spangenhelm (German/Victorian term for banned helmet) is also referred to more correctly as the Norman helmet from its use in the Bayeux Tapestry. With a nose defense, the Norman helmet is referred to as a “nasal.” This military defensive helmet was extremely popular in...
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Introduction:  In German, "grosses kriegsmesser" translates to “large/great war knife.” This uniquely distinguishable type of sword was popular in Hungary and had a strong following in Germany, where, in the 15th and 16th centuries, it was adopted for warfare. They are somewhat rare, and most examples are ground finds (see page 288, items 12 and 13 in my book). This is a superb above-ground example that would...
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1707)  MASSIVE IMPRESSIVE SWISS DAGGER CIRCA 1500: The Swiss Dagger was called the Schweizerdolch in German. The Swiss dagger was used by both the German Landsknecht and the Swiss Reisläufer (mercenaries).
Introduction: The first generation of Swiss dagger was the natural progression from the basilard in the 1400s. The basilard’s downward-turned pommel and....
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1705) A VICTORIAN SCREEN DEPICTING PABLO UCCELLO'S 1454 THE BATTLE OF SAN ROMANO: An impressive, exceptionally well-executed, massive four-screen panel made circa 1840.  It is ideal to display against a large wall or to separate a room. Attention, man...
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Discussion: The helmet is in exceptional museum condition, with only a few minor dings or a missing rivet. It's as original as the day it was made. The two most sought-after armor collectibles are helmets and breastplates, in that order. Both helmets and breastplates protect the two most vital parts of the...
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1697) FIRE GUILDED SHIELD WITH THE COAT OF ARMS OF THE TOWN OF BADEN-BADEN CIRCA 1570: Used by the guard of the City of Baden-Baden. Description: A shield constructed of low carbon steel decorated with mercury fire gilding throughout its surface and depicting the coat of arms of the city of Baden-Baden in red at its center. Retaining remains of its ...
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1696) EXCEPTIONAL, ELEGANT, AND IMPORTANT SILVER-ENCRUSTED GERMAN  SWEPT HILT RAPIER, CIRCA 1590: Museum quality, impeccable provenance, as desirable as they came and priced to sell today...ACT-NOW!!!!
Introduction: Working life from 1585 to 1620. Rapiers with this type of decoration were introduced in Germany. Later, they were adopted by the English.
Description: Under the...
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1694) EMBOSSED LEFT-HAND DAGGER WITH MADONNA AND CHILD JESUS AFTER 1600: As much a weapon as a work of art.
Hilt might have been fire gilded. A very elegant and interesting rarity.
Description: blade with a makers mark on both sides, inscription on...
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1692) RARE EXECUTIONERS AXE CIRCA 1650: For the collector looking for the ultimate conversation piece and just in time for Halloween. Description: A massive head of triangular shape with a strong medial ridge and about a third of the original haft. Mounted professionally on a...
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1682) NORTH ITALIAN FENTON MORION CIRCA 1580: It's in great museum condition with a beautiful deep dark patina. Ask any hardcore long-time collector, and they will tell you it's a great value at under $3.4k! Discussion: The Fenton group is notable in retaining its original finish. They come up at auctions from time to time, and they are worth owning. This example is one of the...
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1680) LUCERNE HAMMER OF SUPERB CONSTRUCTION CIRCA 1580 WITH ORIGINAL HAFT: This is a very well-constructed Lucerne hammer of superior weight and workmanship with its original haft.
Discussion: The Swiss were strong advocates of staff weapons in Renaissance Europe. The Lucerne hammer was the Swiss two-hand war hammer of the later part of the...
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1679) DECORATED CUIRASSIER HELMET CIRCA 1610 FROM AN ITALIAN ANCESTRAL COLLECTION: Imagine walking into a Villa in Southern Italy and seeing a room full of arms and armor from the same family for over 400 years!  This helmet is 100% original as the day it was made. It has three pierced lines at the center extending from the visor tip, over the comb, and...
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1676)  A FINE MASSIVE GERMAN MILITARY RAPIER, CIRCA 1600: Untouched, as original as the day it was made. Introduction.  Military-class rapiers like this one seldom make it to the collectors' market. This is a fighting sword, not a rapier worn by some fat, wealthy person who had bodyguards and never personally engaged in mortal combat in his....
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1672) DECORATED GERMAN CUIRRASIER HELMET CIRCA 1610: Superb German construction, exceptional elegance, and remarkable condition. They seldom come this nice!!! Introduction: Even a person who knows very little about Arms and Armor will recognize an...
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1669) EXCEPTIONALLY ELEGANT BLACK & GILDED FRENCH FLUTED CUIRASSIER'S HELMET CIRCA 1600-20: Discussion: Helmets are the earliest form of body armor. Both aristocratic knights and simple infantrymen used them. Helmets are the most challenging item to make in a....
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1666) EXCEPTIONALLY INTERESTING  GERMAN (SUHL) BULLETPROOF BREASTPLATE CIRCA 1650: Made for the Dutch market in Germany. Discussion: Constructed from one massive sheet of iron with..  
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1665) A NEARLY HOMOGENEOUS BLUE AND GILDED HALF-ARMOR CIRCA 1590  PROVENANCE SIGMARINGEN CASTLE: This armor would look exceptional in any museum or private collection of exceptional taste.
Discussion: This finely decorated armor is almost certainly worn by a high-ranking officer or perhaps a wealthy person.  The decline of armor began around the middle of the 16th century. Protective defensive armor came to a screeching end around 1640. Most attribute this to the...
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Discussion: Very simply put, a partisan is a sword blade on a pole. Yes, a simple but very effective weapon. Like the sword, the partisan combines the benefits of stabbing and slashing. The head of the Partisan consists of a wide two edge tapering blade to a very sharp tip. It has...
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1656) DECORATED OFFICERS GRADE SWEDISH/DUTCH BROADSWORD CIRCA 1620: Chiseled, punched, and inscribed. Original/untouched with no restoration.
Introduction: “Broadsword” is a Victorian term, not used in the...
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Discussion: An original variant of the traditional Lochaber with the working life modification of a shortened haft, possibly for...
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1642) ITALIAN PARADE GLAIVE WITH DRAGON DECORATION CIRCA 1590: The glaive is a slash-and-thrust weapon, very much like a wide saber, but with an approximate six-foot staff to increase its length and power. The name is a... ....
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1637) LARGE GOTHIC GERMAN HAND CANNON LARGE CALIBER CIRCA 1350:  A rare find. Superb condition. This appears not to be a ground find.
Description:  Wrought-iron guns of this era were made by forming a tube of gutter-shaped iron staves reinforced by a series of hoops and bands heated and...
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1634) ITALIAN FRIULI CIRCA 1580: The Friuli is a variant of the corseke. Unlike the corseke, the center blade is now a spike, and the wings are wider. The slightly downward-turning wings now have a diminutive spike at the tip. The Friuli is a multi-use staff weapon that can be used for stabbing and pushing a knight off his horse. This is a great example, in very good condition and not expensive to own.
Provenance: From a...
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1633)  RARE "LANGUE DE BOEUF" PARTISAN CIRCA 1590: The rare "ox tongue" variant of the partisan. The Germans refer to it as an "ochsenzunge". The Italians call it "lingua de bue". The French, since 1441, refer to it as "langue de boeuf." In an ordinance titled "Du costume militaire des Francais" dated 1446, French soldiers were required to be armed with the langue de boeuf, which was most popular during that period and for the next 300 years. This is a rare and massive bladed weapon.
Provenance: From a...
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1623) EXCEPTIONALLY RARE WELSH BILL. CIRCA MID 1600s: Only the third example I have had in 35 years.
Introduction: A staff weapon of exceptional workmanship. Hammer forged from one piece of metal! It retains a working life haft. Because of its unique construction and design there is some uncertainty as to the....
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1621) A RARE VENETIAN CIRCA 1450 TYPE XIII BASTARD SWORD FOR SALE: Discussion:  The type XIII sword is considered by historians as "the great war sword" or also as "the knights sword of last resort". This sword has the mystique of being from one of the most interesting [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1612) RARE MASSIVE SWISS BASILARD SWORD CIRCA 1450 WITH ORIGINAL GRIPS:  Incredibly priced at under $3,800 for a quick sale.
Introduction: The Basilard is usually seen only as a dagger. However, the basilard sword or “Schweizerschwert” is a rare variant that seldom makes its way into the....
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1605) RARE HUNGARIAN WAR SABER CIRCA 1500 WITH ORIGINAL WOODEN GRIP: An exotic and esoterical sword that attracts the eye and the imagination. Very good condition for having been buried in a Hungarian bog for over 500 years. For such a rarity, this "grosses kriegsmesser"  is very reasonably priced for an immediate sale!
Discussion: In German, grosses kriegsmesser translates to...
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1600) SUPERBLY CONSTRUCTED ELEGANT GILDED GERMAN RAPIER CIRCA 1540 Discussion: Under the Norman sword typology the sword under discussion is classified as a hilt 50. It was only used from 1530-1620. I am dating it circa 1540 because of the length of the...
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1548) RARE VENETIAN SHELL AND KNUCKLE GUARD BROAD SWORD CIRCA 1620:  Discussion: A rare and elegant example of a unique typology of Venetian broadsword that is highly collectible. Priced to sell quickly at under $3K!!!* Constructed: with a long, slightly curving single-edged blade with a...
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1501) MASSIVE  VENETIAN  DOOR KNOCKER IN THE SHAPE OF A HORSE 16TH CENTURY: Priced to sell for under $2K!!! Description: Constructed of wrought iron, with a horse head decoration and oval-shaped knocker with chiseled decoration, treaded arm to attach knocker to the...
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1493) MASSIVE GERMAN GOTHIC DOOR LOCK CIRCA 1500: Museum condition. Priced at under $1400!!! Discussion: From a very large castle or cathedral door. Works as well as the day it was made. Main plate is almost 15 inches. In very good condition with a beautiful dark brown...
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1478) RARE SCOTTISH REBATED CAGE BROADSWORD CIRCA 1700"s: Superb mint museum condition!!!
Discussion: This is not your regular Scottish sword. This rarity is a specially designed sword for training swordsmen and......
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1438) SOUTH GERMAN SHIELD CIRCA 1550 POSSIBLY MADE FOR THE SPANISH COURT ETCHED AND GUILDED: Decoratedwith three bands of etched scrolling foliage and monsters radiating from a central spike, the border also retaining traces of etching and with knurled edge. 19 1/2 (496mm) Provenance: ex Ledger Collection, sold Christie's May 15th 1947 lot 72, Christie's June 10, 1969 Priced to Sell!!!!  
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Discussion: The Wallon sword was believed to have been used by the Amsterdam Town Guard. The Wallon sword has survived in very large numbers, which is indicative that they greatly exceed the needs of just the Amsterdam Town Guard. The Walloon Sword incorporated the best designs of both the rapier and the small or court sword. They are believed to....

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1378) ROMAN SARCOPHAGUS LID SECTION OF AN ANGEL CIRCA 300 AD:  Severe Dynasty, 193 – 235 A.D. Made of Proconessian marble. Discussion: Roman sarcophagi are works of carved art. A complete lid can sell for tens of thousands of dollars. As a result, the vast majority of sarcophagi in collections are fragments. This example is carved in...
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Description: Constructed with a broad engraved blade, chiseled hilt depicting mounted cavalry battle scenes, and superb guard finials in the form of figures. Period correct grips with Turk's [Read More]
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1318) A RARE AND IMPORTANT FOOT SOLDIER'S SHOULDER PAVISE CIRCA 1480: The pavise is believed to have derived its name from the North Italian city of Pavia as early as 1250. The effectiveness of the pavise is evident by how quickly it spread throughout Europe. The pavise was used with noteworthy results during the Bohemian Wars of [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1295) MINT CONDITION DECORATED BILBAO SWORD WITH ORIGINAL LINING WITH THE COAT OF ARMS OF PORTUGAL: The bilbao is a highly effective Spanish slash-and-thrust sword. It was used primarily in the 1700s. Construction: The hilt is etched en suite; it‚ constructed of two half-shell guards and a knuckle guard. The etched decoration on both shells amazingly retains its original lining. The pommel on all [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1250) EXCEPTIONALLY DECORATED GERMAN RENAISSANCE CROSSBOW CIRCA 1560 WITH ORIGINAL CRANIKIN WITH QUIVER AND BOLTS: This highly decorated mint crossbow with original signed cranikin and associated quiver evokes the best of Renaissance mannerist decoration. A very similar crossbow with the same cow bone bow locking design wrapped in cord can be found in a crossbow made in 1563 for Carlo II (1540-1590). Discussion: The crossbow has been in service to [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1232) A MAXIMILIAN PERIOD BOAR SWORD CIRCA 1520 OF EXCEPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION: A magnificent museum-quality German boar sword. The boar sword was designed for hunting boar. Its distinctive spear tip is equipped with a slit to put a traversing stop bar so the charging boar is stopped in its track without coming within goring distance of the hunter or his horse.
DESCRIPTION: Superb early construction, possibly the best boar sword I have seen in [Read More]
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1102) MAXIMILIAN HALBERD for sale. CIRCA 1500–1525: This halberd is from the time of the battles of Marignano 1515 to Pavia 1525. In the armory inventory of Emperor Maximilian I (1502-1515), the vast majority of information provided was about the artillery, however there are also illustrations of halberd types that mirror this example. Some scholars refer to this type of halberd as [Read More] Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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1062) A BORDERWARE GREEN-GLAZED POTTERY JUG probably 15th Century: Containing traces of original green glazing still intact. Found outside of Munich Germany. There appears to be no cracks. A truly spectacular find for any Medieval collection. Large, size is 8 inches tall and 4 inches at the mouth. They seldom come any nicer. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*  
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1050) AN ITALIAN REINFORCING BREASTPLATE FOR SALE CIRCA 1580. A rare and interesting piece for any advanced collector.
Discussion: A reinforcing breastplate is exactly as named. It's an additional plate of steel mirroring the breastplate put over the breastplate for reinforcement against an expected major strike like a lance charge on horseback. In this example a lance rest would protrude through the aperture on the right.  The two holes on the top left are for an upper [Read More].
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740) 740) RARE & BEAUTIFUL VENETIAN MINI JEWELRY CASKET CIRCA 1650: As elegant as they come. Size 12 x 9 x 5.5cm. Made of gilt and copper, the sides and the arched cover chased and pierced with acanthus leaves, applied at the top with a hinged handle, the inside lined in red fabric. It is in excellent condition with original velvet, no key but can be easily replaced. Priced To Sell at $1,995*
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550) Rare Innsbruck Coffer for sale Circa 1500 With Original Key: Decorated as shown and in very good condition with only recent light conservation. Smaller compartment in the inside. As you would expect for a piece this age with some light working life repairs. Length 15cm. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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499) Rare Large Museum Quality German Bronze Tripod Shallow Bowl Circa 1500-50:Probably cast of bell-metal, molded with wide rim, the exterior with horizontal bands, paired loops on either side from which handles hang, raised on three leonine legs which issue from Lion's masks, the center of the underside with projecting stud. A near identical one sold at Sotheby's New York April 3, 1981 lot # 83. Dimensions: Height 5 1/4 in. diameter 12 1/2 in. Priced to sell today to the collector of discriminating taste who only wants the rare and best. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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489) EUROPEAN 12th CENTURY PINGSDORF JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER:Pingsdorf Ware is a high fired earthenware that was produced between the late 9th and 13th century in different pottery centers on the Eastern margin of the promontory beam of the Rhineland as well as the Lower Rhine region. Characteristic features of the vessels of the Pingsdorf Ware are a yellow-coloured fine sand tempered sherd and a red painting. It is archaeologically evident within various Medieval settlements of North Western Europe and thus represents an important chronological marker for the Medieval archaeology. Size: Height 14 inches, width 9 1/2 inches. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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488) VERY LARGE EUROPEAN 12th CENTURY PINGSDORF JAR WITH DECORATION: Pingsdorf Ware is a high fired earthenware that was produced between the late 9th and 13th century in different pottery centres on the Eastern margin of the promontory beam of theRhineland as well as the Lower Rhine region. Characteristic features of the vessels of the Pingsdorf Ware are a yellow-coloured fine sand tempered sherd and a red painting. It is archaeologically evident within various Medieval settlements of North Western Europe and thus represents an important chronological marker for the Medieval archaeology. Size: Height 16 1/2 inches, width 12 inches. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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469) AMAZING GERMAN GIANT PADLOCK CIRCA 1550: The keyhole cover has a trick mechanism to open the door to insert the key. Most likely made in Nuremberg. The lock is very heavy and large with functioning original key, triangle shape. Likely used on a massive iron strong box, maybe for a sea voyage or other journey, has signs of use. Centuries of handling have given it a wonderful dark patina. There are various antique repairs to this lock, demonstrating its long working life. Size 6" tall x 5" at its widest and 2 3/4" deep. See listing #448 which is near identical except smaller, lighter and without the trick locking mechanism. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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448) MASSIVE TRIANGULAR GOTHIC PADLOCK CIRCA 1550: Very good condition. Open and closes as well as the day it was made. Original key. Size 16,5 cm x 9.5 cm x 7 cm. Wear as pictured below. If you want a very good one this is it. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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323) Very Rare German Lansknecht Katzbalger Sword Circa 1540-60: Beautiful sword for sale.  The Katzbalger sword is a rare short close combat sword for the Landsknecht mercenaries in 16th century Germany. It has a thick double blade with a circular point and a highly defensive circular eight guard. This example was found in a city wall. From one of the best private collections in the world. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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319) SPANISH, 12TH CENTURY CAPITAL WITH FIGURES OF ANGELS AT THE CORNERS WITH CLUSTERS OF GRAPES IN THE CENTER: By tradition it made its way into the open market after Napoleon attacked Monseratt and destroyed the Monastery in 1811-12. The Monastery of Montserrat was founded during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. While visiting Monseratt in Spain I found a similar capital still intact (picture above). I've included a picture of a similar capital that was sold in Sotheby's on July 5th 2016 in London lot # 2 for 7,500 GBP plus 25% buyers premium and shipping (about $15,000 US). Yes, the Sotheby's example is in better condition, but mine is priced at a fraction of this and includes delivery in the U.S. and has a powerful provenance. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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286) MASTER COLLECTION OF 150 OLD 17th-18th CENTURY KEYS: Many sizes and dimensions. Average height 8 centimeters, weight of total lot about 5 LBS. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
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271) EXCEPTIONAL AND RARE EARLY SPANISH GOTHIC FIGURAL MORTAR CIRCA 1500-1520!!! Spanish Export license from the government of Spain list it as 14th-15th century but more likely as early as 16th century. Carved of stone, the exterior with two mermaids that show forked tails, above their heads a funnel carved to pour liquid from the plain and circular interior. A unique and interesting piece for any antiquities collection. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*


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